
Our qualified health and safety instructors deliver engaging courses, covering the theory and practical skills to equip you and your team with the knowledge and skills to stay safe.

We deliver health and safety training to production companies, big and small. From risk awareness to conflict management, our safety training ensures that your people are the best in class.

Our qualified health and safety instructors deliver engaging courses, covering the theory and practical skills to equip you and your team with the knowledge and skills to stay safe.

We understand that no two productions are the same; RT Group can tailor a bespoke training course around your production needs.

Health and Safety Training

Health and Safety Awareness

This Safety awareness courses specifically address your questions and concerns about risk assessing in the workplace. In addition, roles and responsibilities in Health and Safety management are clarified, and you will be made aware of additional sources of information.

Production Safety and Risk Awareness

This course examines how to build robust safety management systems and processes to ensure the safety of all. Attendees discuss the Moral, Legal and Financial drivers to manage safety in their production and the practical application of these requirements.

This course is part of the industry-recognised Production Safety Passport (PSP) scheme – on completion of the course, you will receive a Health and Safety Passport via the ScreenSkills website.

Risk Assessment Awareness

This course consists of classroom and discussion tailored to the production or block of filming.  All participants will gain a robust understanding of the safety management processes and arrangements for a particular shoot.  This course is best delivered in the planning stage to help build the risk assessment or before the shoot to ensure all are fully briefed. 

Senior Managers Safety Overview

This 2-hour Briefing for Production Managers and Senior Management looks at the legal requirements of managers, the policy and processes legally required to discharge those duties, and what the legal remedies mean to the organisation or the individuals.

First Aid Training

Emergency First Aid at work

This one-day, non-assessed course is recommended as the minimum level of first aid training for people in low-risk workplace environments.

Travel Awareness Training

Extreme Climate

This course consists of classroom discussion around potential hazards, ill health, and injury from extreme climate relevant to your production. This includes first Aid Awareness, how to identify the onset of climate-related ill health and appropriate Kit and equipment requirements. This training will be tailored to your production location and climate. 

Travel Safety Awareness

This compact course provides you with the knowledge and skills to deal with the unexpected and avoid the unwanted while working or travelling in unfamiliar territories. Attendees will be able to identify and manage the risks of travelling and working overseas, either as an individual or as part of a group. 

Hostile Environment Training

Filming on-location in areas of extreme environments and instability due to political or civil unrest, weather, or remoteness needs comprehensive training. Hostile Environment training ensures you understand the practicalities of working and living in a challenging environment. Training will involve dramatic and interactive scenarios designed to reflect the real issues and unexpected situations you will likely encounter on location and can be tailored to a specific location.

Conflict Management, Conflict Resolution

Filming controversial content can put members of your crew at risk from verbal and physical violence. Conflict Management, Conflict Resolution training lets your team spot the warning signs and implement effective strategies to extract themselves from a dangerous situation safely.

Assisted By Technology
We Understand Your Risks
Solution Oriented
Dedicated and Personalised

Speak to one of our team


The RT Group team consists of dedicated health & safety experts with years of knowledge specific to the film and television industries. We’re ready to answer any questions you might have – call or drop us a line via email.

+44(0) 3300 562476